May - Team Organization and roster complete for upcoming season
All-Girls off-season competition in Ann Arbor
FTC MAYhem off-season event in Troy
Host Cars, Bots, & Coffee at Athens High (proceeds go to the next Troy FTC team that qualifies for worlds)
August - Preseason training and special project completion
Troy Traffic Jam classic car show demonstration
Argo Summer Breaker pre-season competition, hosted by The Circuit Breakers and The Argonauts
September - FTC Kickoff, design and build our competition robots
October- TRF Workshops, support FTC teams, build and code our competition robots
November - FTC Fall Qualifiers and league meets
December - Michigan State FTC Championship (compete if we qualify, volunteer if we do not)
January - Watch FRC (high school) Kickoff, start post-season projects and training, plan the upcoming year
March (Beginning Of Spring Break) - Visit The FRC Troy District I
March/April (End Of Spring Break) - Visit The FRC Troy District II
* All Events Above Will Be Announced On The TRF Discord
Our Outreach Events and projects
FTC Kickoff Workshops
Troy Traffic Jam
Host the Argo Summer Breaker pre-season competition to get teams ready for the new season
Troy Daze fair demos
Troy Historical Village Trick Or Treat
Elementary STEM Class Demos
Cars, Bots and Coffee
Baker School grounds and watershed clean-up
Develop and promote our intern program - 4th-6th grade students that learn FTC robotics early
Promote 3D printing by sharing our printable designs, bringing our printers to events and helping other teams with rapid prototyping
Coordinate off-season projects with the other teams from Baker Middle School and the area