The Circuit Breakers are an educational robotics team from Baker Middle School.
We are a Troy Robotics Foundation Team!!
Since 2016 we've compete FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC).

Our team promotes diversity of members with different backgrounds.
We promote STEAM and FTC not only in our school but in the surrounding community by our numerous outreach events and initiatives in the Troy School District and greater Southeast Michigan community.

Come meet us at competitions or at any of our numerous outreach events - ranging from scout troop demonstrations, to hosting Town Halls, to demoing at car shows like the Troy Traffic Jam.

This year we will be hosting our own Cars Bots & Coneys car show and a full FTC off-season competitions, the Argo Summer Breaker!


Our alumni join FRC 8728 Argonauts, FRC Team 226 Hammerheads, FRC 7769 The Crew, & FRC 33 The Killer Bees
We work with 8728 out of The Argo at Athens High School
Teams can connect with us anytime for support, outreach, collaborations, etc. We'd love to hear from you!

We will be adding a team & robot page including all our designs and season pictures over the 2024 off-season, as well as embedded youtube videos and our shared CAD that includes our sliders, mecanum designs, gearboxes, pulley keepers, etc. 

What's cookin'?

Here's a little section of what event we've got coming up next, what we might be working on, and maybe a few little teasers of our projects

Our next event:

We'll be competing at the Ann Arbor All-Girls off-season competition on May 4th, and the kids are really excited! No plans for any significant mechanical upgrades to the robot, but we'll work on new autonomous routines and more system automation for teleop.

A little teaser of one of the summer projects

How Can We Help You?

Connect with us via email us at ftc11717@gmail.com
You can also connect with our team on the Troy Robotics Foundation Community Discord


FTC 11717, The Circuit Breakers, would not be possible without FIRST in Michigan, who shares our vision of empowering youth through STEAM & business opportunities.